
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Monday, June 28, 2004

Last Night I Was So Desperate For a Beer I Went Under The Football Bleachers And Ate The Astroturf.

Are you a gay person who feels that the current sports drinks on the market just aren't good enough?
  • Well do we have the product for you
  • Sunday, June 27, 2004

    Oh, well La Dee Da Mr. Frenchman

    Lock your doors.

    Hide the children.

    Get your gun.

    Not that it will matter, Ninja's are unstoppable.
    I am now an student of Togakure Ninjitsu. First class was on Saturday. Of course the rest of my day was so god awful that I'm really glad I wasn't an unstoppable killing machine because otherwise there would be a lot more headless people walking around. Everything I have something good happen to me on a day, the rest of the day seems to punish me for it. Just more proof that the gods are all out to get me, but once I'm a ninja, I'm going to make those deities pay. And they'll rue the day(s) they crossed me.

    Oh and somebody come to Spiderman with me. You can be my date! A Ninja's date, what could be better?

    Thursday, June 24, 2004

    You Know Me, I Like My Beer Cold, My Chili Hot And My Homeosexuals FLLLAAAMMMING

    Everybody has heard of the Special Weapons And Tactics, or S.W.A.T team, who are called in when normal police just aren't enough. Here in Canada, we have the Emergency Response Team, or E.R.T instead. Now it seems to me that E.R.T just isn't going to strike fear into the hearts of criminals, they sound like a bunch of sissies really. So Canada should change their unit into the Special Assault and Rescue Team. Think of how much more intimidated you'd be if you knew S.A.R.S was coming to get you.

    It's been a while since I've posted here, well posted and been sober. So let me give you a rundown on what's new




    Yeah I got nothing, my life is one long rut.

    One interesting note, a guy from my dojo is now a bouncer at the Marquee. So Ben next time we need backup when we're there it's all covered.

    Of course it also means I can't get as drunk there, because he's also one of my instructors and disgracing myself in front of him is something I want to avoid.

    Wednesday, June 23, 2004


    "Don't worry, only bad people die."

    "What about Abraham Licoln?"

    "Uh, he sold poisoned milk to school children."

    Friday, June 18, 2004

    Breakitdown, The Musical

    Those lasts posts, don't remember. And I vaguely remember posting comments on others sites. So I would assume that everything is fine, nothing is ruined. If not, well, death comes to us all Oruku Saki.

    Oh and by the way, it was Oruku Saki who was Shredder and Hamato Yoshi who was Splinter. And if one more person argues about that with me, they're getting it cause I know it's true.

    Ben's cut hurts, my sympathy is little.

    And by the way, I think I might soon be a Ninjitsu student. As in like tomorrow or so. If that becomes the case, it would mark the one thing in my life that hasn't pissed me off lately, and would actually be about as awesome as things could get. So keep your fingers crossed.

    Or I suppose you could NOT want me to learn it, as I could abuse it and stuff and it might jeopordize your safety. So pray to whatever puny god you wish for whatever outcome you desire.

    Tuesday, June 15, 2004

    Solitary Man

    Well, I haven't been on in a while. Except, earlier that night, this night, that night, just right.

    I left a message on all your blogs, I think. If not, then tell me and I will. So have fun!

    I'll Be Back

    Or Not

    Whatever *Shrug*
    Trigger Happy

    There was once a night, when I drank with Ben and Josh.

    There was once a night, where I watched Scary Movie 3

    There was once a night, I everybody what was really once on my mind, and the things that really bother me.

    Tonight, is not that night.

    So I haven't been on here in a while. And by here, I mean internet, and by a while, I mean my pants!

    Wait, hang on, stuff.

    No I just mean the internet in general

    So Josh is the awesomest dude ever next to no one. Though Josh wrote that, so I assume he should die.

    Tonight we watched Scary Movie 3. It was based on "Signs" and "The Ring". I have never seen those movies so many of the jokes were wasted on me. Maybe I will see those movies, someday, someday, sunday.

    Mainly I'm waiting for some hot girl to watch them with me, and be all scared and shit, and nuzzle into me. So anybody? Hot girls? Please? I like hot girls coming to do stuff with me. Fine then, be like that. *Cry, cry like a little sissy girl*

    Josh and I are missing a beer. There should have been 6, there were 5. Now we kind of blame Ben the homewrecker Maison but the main point is that the Gods stole a beer from us.

    So gods, you pissed me off.





    It's on, I'm totally determined to meet the gods now. I just need a motorcycle. Then they will pay for that beer. Fuck all the gods, every goddamn one of them.....hehehehe..... goddamn gods. Screw it , bring it! I stand ready to go, Are You Ready To Go? WHAT YOU GONNA DO BABY! I REPENT NOTHING! THIS IS WHAT IT'S LIKE WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE!

    Fucking rain, it rains on us. Damn gods.


    , The one you should distence yourself from before you get swept up in the wrong crowd and become a bitter and angry being like him,


    Peace, or war. Whatever. Peace for you hopefully.

    Wednesday, June 02, 2004

    Don't Be A Tool

    The bold left me, so no titles at their less awesome

    Faxe= ratings. Man, seriously

    Ben wants to sleep with Melissa and see her naked. I personally wouldn't oppose such a thing but I'm not drunk enougyh to request such a thing. Maybe later, as when I'm drunk unfortunate things can happen, to say the least.

    So the best thing is's Faxe, and the fact that I think Ben and Josh will go to the dome tonight. So wish us luck! Again,

    168 challenge, with Faxe. At Josh and our place. Someday, someday. All be in attendence.
    Sometimes Gum Looks Like A Penny

    There was a slight change in plans lasy night. Instead of doing all that I said we would be, I only stayed at Josh's until 2:00 then actually got some sleep before work. And we discovered that our bodies are gaining intolerence to voldka and Jack's. Litterally every drink I had was a struggle.

    Poor Ben, we told him we'd walk down to his place after a while and pick him up, instead we just said fuck you.

    Tuesday, June 01, 2004

    I Used To Be With It, But Then They Changed What It Was, So Now What I'm With Isn't It. And What Is it Seems Weird and Scary. It'll Happen To You

    Tonight might be a right little adventure.

    Started by watching the final episodes of Hellsing with Andy and Josh. I'm pretty sure the anti hero vampire Alucard, who I'm pretty sure was Jesus. And now Josh and I are drinking some Volka and Jacks, preparing for going to the casino where we will sit at the bar and drink. And I have to work at 7 AM tomorrow. I plan on being drunk for it. Yippie Kiyay Mr. Falcon

    Ahg, just the sight of the drink makes me sick. Garg. Wish me luck, or at least not death. Though if you wish death your wish will more likely come true.

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