
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Thursday, October 27, 2005

There Is No Scotchtober Fest

So I just had the rather odd experience of both my thighs cramping up at the same time. It was rather unpleasant to say the least. I've had leg cramps before, but never in both legs and never that high.

Today I managed to throw a jumping kick that was about a foot over my head. I was pretty impressed with myself.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

When Will People Learn That Democracy Doesn't Work!

I saw the best invention ever today at work. It was an L.E.D flashlight that used a hand crank instead of batteries. L.E.D lights never burn out so you need no bulbs, plus they're more energy effecient and no batteries means you never have to replace anything. It will work as long as you don't smash it to pieces. And the light lasted about 3 hours without dimming much only cranking it for a minute or so. I am so getting one, and it may end up being many peoples Christmas present.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Nothing Says Fuck You Quite Like A Driveby Sledging

Advent Children is quite possibly the best thing ever. It's the type of movie you keep checking the clock for in hopes that there are at least two hours left. I really hope Square plans on doing more of these movies with either this game or others, preferably 6.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

You Know A Business That Doesn't Lend Itself Too Easily To The Internet? Pay Toilets.

Just found out today that I graduated yesterday.

Yippie Kiyay
Never Forget Hitler Was A Catholic

Before our last 168 I desided that barring any unusual circumstances I was going to stop drinking until my birthday. So far I've managed quite well and I proved I have a tiny bit of mettle tonight as I could have drank all the keiths I wanted completely free of cost, which for me is a good sized victory. I managed it despite not being able to partake in a monopoly ripoff drinking game called pass out which looked like fun and considerable peer pressure to do so, including Ben and Josh saying I was worse then Cleary. But thinking about it I realized Cleary hasn't been drunk lots of times for such poor reasons as having to drive. Really it was Ben who was worse then Cleary, as he wasted a full beer on the way home which is something that asshole Cleary probably wouldn't even do, so really he's the one who's worse. Yessss.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Good News Everybody, It's A Suppository.

I just got a Red belt in Tae Kwon Do, which means I'm one away from my first ever black belt, which I think is pretty cool.

I work at Sears now as well as Superstore. All the girls there have boyfriends, and the customers are often stupid and irritating. I guess there's some comfort in knowing some things in life will never change.

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