
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Women are retarded.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Don't Forget to Bring a Towel.

Wow, telemarketing just sucks. It does, there are no ands, ifs or but about it. It just sucks. No sane or even vaguely intelligent person could ever possibly enjoy this job that is among the most hated in the entire world. There's this and meter maids, that's it, nothing else is as hated. Professional hitmen are more loved because at least they might kill somebody that deserves to die.

I am a telemarketer at the moment and I can not stand it. I have been able to take jobs I hated, school I hated, love life I hated... ect ect and been able to keep on with it... but I cannot take this job. I don't even like people, and yet I still find that I can't tolerate bothering them all the time like this. And I don't even try to sell anybody anything! I just actually try and offer people things based on they're accounts and things that might save them money. Still I can not really hope to ever enjoy my job.

But aside from the job itself there are numerous things that suck. Like hearing my coworkers complain about people who hang up or get angry at them and such things.

Well here's the thing, we're telemarketers, nobody likes us and we should expect that.

Or managers, who complain that people aren't doing their job like they should be.

Well here's the thing, we're telemarketers, nobody wants to do that job let along do it well.

Or from the employers themselves, we're not getting quite as many sale per hours as we should be getting.

Nobody likes us and probably wishes we had cancer. I know I do.

So I need a new job. Though my history degree may not qualify me for a whole lot I still need something other then this. I pushed carts for almost 3 years but this I cannot do. But hopefully I can survive.

Oh yeah, I didn't make it to Japan. I think I said I'd drink more if that happened, and sadly enough I can afford to do so with this shit job, that even makes me want to drink! Life is hilariously cruel.

But on the plus side, women are crazy. There's no good argument for them being sane or how men are crazier...women are simply nuts in every regard. At least the ones I usually have to deal with. Although I suppose their continued tendency to reject me shows they have some sense....but aside from that they're goddamn crazy! There's no trusting, reasoning or listening to them, they will simply own you if you let it happen. And if you don't, well I hope you are James Fucking Bond because otherwise you had better work at your jerking hand motions as no woman will ever love you.

Note, there is something called the "Jerking hand" in Kung Fu, I guess that explains how Bruce Lee got so awesome. Practise. At the jerking hand. Though if somebody is a master of the said deadly art I woud have to assume it was me, and that it never got me a movie deal for some reason.

The other night I had a dream that had sushi in it, and I've been craving it ever since. I had some calamari, but it's just not the same. Good, but not the same.

That's about it for me. Just keep one thing in mind. I won't lie down as you walk away. Oh yeah, I think you know.....

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