
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Monday, December 25, 2006

It's The Most Wonderful Time To Have a Beer

Well once again I got too much stuff from a too generous mother and grandmother. Yay. I can't wait until I have a real job and can buy them and other people as much as I want to.

I got some melee and ranged weaponry. Oh Santa, you know me too well.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 22, 2006

I Can't Keep Track Of Her When She's Not Incorporeally Possessing a Spaceship.

the stuff, that buys my beer.

RA the guy who sells me beer.

ME the guy, who drinks the beer.

FA a long way to get beer.

SO I think I'll have a beer.

LA la la la beer.

TI, not thanks I'll have a beer.

And that will bring us back to D'oh!

Truely that is a festive tune, and an old favorite I couldn't get out of my head tonight.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

I Can't Believe They Gave Moose The Gas Chamber

Some people suck at driving in the winter. It's not really their fault, nobody is good at everything. People like this should wait for a while before driving, you know, go get something to eat, a coffee, go to a mall, call a friend they haven't seen in a while.

Unfortunately what they tend to do is go out driving right away.

And then they clutter up the road, get a column behind them that looks like something only the worlds greatest snake player could make and generally make life miserable for everybody they encounter on the road. I myself have never been like this, in fact I'm pretty much the exact opposite. I speed on unfamiliar highways while in near white out conditions, though only when I'm the only one in the car. If I see another car I'll slow down to a safe speed but aside from that you can always see me placing very little value on my life but making great time while I'm at it.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Look, The Thing About My Family Is There's Five Of Us. Marge, Bart, Girl Bart, The One Who Doesn't Talk, And The Fat Guy. How I Loathe Him.

Martial arts is really the equivilant of saying "Thank you Sir, can I have another"? Very few other places are you paying money to have the hell beaten out of you and coming back for more month after month. Like right now my shoulder, arm, thigh and back are killing me and I can't wait to go back. Plus I'm always wired after I go, and since I have to get up at 6 tommorow and it's almost 2. Yay. It's takes a special kind of person. And by special, I mean "Special".

But at least I'm going to Rogue's on Sunday. That should be fun, and I haven't been there in many a time, and I do enjoy the occasional Raspberry beer. So all should go! And buy me a beer! Or at least send money out so somebody else can buy me a beer in proxy for you

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