
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

We Are Like The Living Dead, Sacrificing All We Have

I should really not go to the Marquee tonight. I didn't get enough sleep last night, and tomorrow I have to get up at 7, and the next day at 5:30. That and the fact that I have to work and stuff means I'm going to be about 8 kinds of dead.

But Matty got back so I guess I can't really not go. Sigh.

And I won't be drinking, which will make it 4 nights in a row. This is getting weirder by the day. I remember last year around this time I went to retro night pretty much every week and got plastered every single time. And still went out other nights. Crazy stuff.

Dal needs to offer more courses that students want to take. Every year, all the courses I want to take fill up first, which means that their also the courses other people want to take. Therefore you'd think they'd offer more courses that are similar, or more sections of the course. But no, everybody who runs Dal is a moron that should be buried in a anthill up to their necks and covered in honey.

Going to work now, I'm not in a particularly bad mood right now but I expect that will change soon enough.

Monday, July 26, 2004

If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.
Well, after 3 years I finally declared a major, wouldn't have bothered except I had to in order to get into some courses I needed. I suppose it's better done now, but doing something in the present is so not me.

I've been to bars three times in the last week, one night I had only two drinks, the other nights I had none at all. Now THAT'S so not me either. Had a good time though, Marquee sucked but getting Andy and Josh drunk was fun, especially because Andy had to play Tennis the next day. I thought for sure I screwed it up for him, and then he wins it. Guess next time I'll have to try harder. Get him to have twice as much, and make an even more bottomless glass, a glass with so little bottom that it could consume us all.

Saturday was fun as well, saw some very drunk people, thought Josh was picking up a girl which was kind of cool, watched with great amusement as Ben grinded with Angela, while her boyfriend was dancing with her. Even had fun dancing with Suza, I guess. I mean as much enjoyment as I could possibly get out of such an arduous task. Drunken good times were had by all.

Man I miss killing my hearti's, I mean donair zerrotti's.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Did I Mention The Agonizing Torture, Oh I'm Sure I Did.
Not sure what my dreams were about last night, but I know Amy and Megan were in one. So was Heather Brittain, I almost always dream about people I don't think about often. Strikes me as odd.

Essentially, this blog has always been dedicated to my ranting, raving and complaining about all the numerous  things and people in life that irritate and aggravate me, which is of course because I am a maelstrom of negative energy. So just to change it up a bit, I thought I'd devote this blog to all the things in life that don't piss me off.







Thursday, July 15, 2004

I Wish I Had An Awesome Van

Well I proved I was good for something tonight at least.

So everybody know Robie Street? Well tonight I walked to where Robie street is a side street, and then back again. Fuck that's a long way to go.

I hyper extended my arm over a month ago, it hurt up until tonight when somebody locked on an arm bar, I heard numerous cracks, felt searing pain, and then it all seemed better. So I guess it's true when they say no pain, no gain.

In other news, girls continue to confuse me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Sling Us A Web, You're The Spiderman

You know, the only time I get any seems to be when I'm drunk. So why aren't I always drunk?
And If I Were Justice Guy, I Would Punish All The Women Who Lie.

So why isn't there a straight white guy parade, or month. When you think about it, there's nothing to celebrate us. Except....history in general maybe.....but still if we tried to celebrate who we were it would be considered racist. Think about it.

So go out to either the Marquee Or Dome tomorrow, I apparently am, or am not if that suits you better. I don't really care. There are important things I could say but they all remain inside mr Curtis' noggin, yeah that's right, you don't get to learn about all the amazing thoughts in here. Like....

(Donkey chewing on grass)

Or like the big things like....

(Donkey sucking on bottle)


Monday, July 12, 2004

You Do Nothing But Play God. And I Think Your Octoparrot Would Agree

I really hate days when nothing seems to go right, especially when you get several that are close together.

I should really sign up for my courses soon, otherwise everything I would like to take will be filled. I think they many might be filled already, damn tiny third and forth year classes.

I have a headache again.


Friday, July 09, 2004

It Could Increase Your Brainpower, Or Kill You.
Increase My Killing Power Eh

Good night, fun night, lets do it again next Friday. Only next time if there are songs to be sung, I want to know them ahead of time. Give me a fighting chance at least. And Metallica a chance, those poor bastards, never saw it coming. So who's all up for next week?

Ben is an asshole, kill him all deader. I hate him entirely, and so does Josh. And if I could gouge out somebody elses eyes to see him with more hate I would.

So now you have one more reason to fear. I'm allowed to learn about knives in martial arts. How to kill, avoid being killed. Though Andy has a cattle prod, so I guess he's got a step on me. For now...

Kaitlin has a powerful voice. She should sing more, I think she should fill an Opera Hall.

Kathryn too, though her power grows exponentially the more emotion is attached to what she is singing.

Either case, it's better then me, and Josh, though not Andy, and his Blueshoe, now that was awesome.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I'll Trade You Earth For 50 Space Leaves

Well I'm somewhat annoyed today. I was planning on going to Spirits, the martial arts supply store to enlarge my already considerable cache of weaponry but I don't have enough money because I need to wait a week for cheques to cash. Such a stupid rule, all my cheques have been good so far, can't they just give me the benefit of the doubt?

Though I'm not entirely sure what to buy, too many options and not enough money. Everytime I'm in there it's like I'm a kid in some sort of store. They even have those police slide out batons, ever see those? They're really cool. And a concealed weapon that for some reason is legal in Canada. I don't get Canada's laws on weapons, they really make no sense.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I now cannot golf without a golf cart. They're just too awesome, way better then the actual golfing. Especially when you drive them like I do (ie wrecklessly). I managed to dump Jon out of the cart and lay a strip into the fairway. Good times, good times.

And I managed to come back with 22 beers, only about half were mine. I call that a successful venture on all levels.

Hearts as a drinking game=deadly.

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