
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Monday, August 30, 2004

Is Your Chest The Only Thing That's Well Endowed?

Well, I'd have to say that was a successful house sitting, except for maybe the disturbing number of house flies that I had to deal with and never found the source of. Good movie night, I'm now trying to convince everybody I know to watch Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. And it's hunter, not slayer, so the next person who says otherwise gets shot, with a BB gun, right in the back of the head. And toxic Avenger was pretty good too. But nothing beats waking up beside a beautiful woman. Except maybe beating nothing but beautiful women. It was kind of funny going to ben just as Tif was waking up, and then waking up shortly after because Suz was leaving.

So of course not a week can go by without me doing something stupid, in this case it was that I forgot to take my moving day off from work. So I'm thinking it might be a sick day, or I'll just call in dead, or I'll just really die and that way I don't even have to bother moving. It would be a real time saver. I mean none of this packing and moving shit, and plus I could finally grant Josh's wish.

When I'm attracted to a girl, there are usually a few ways I can go about it. There's of course trying to woo her, though this usually isn't an easy thing for me to do. And by not easy, I mean it's like we're both negitively charged magnets. Another option is just to sigh and accept the fact that I'm more useless with women thenI am in the Kitchen. My third option is to try and avoid them, though I usually only do this in rare cases, though I'm trying to do it at the moment. And main I can attest to the fact that if you're trying to avoid somebody you see them all the friggin time. Or maybe that's just me, and the gods are once again all like " Fuck you Curtis, I hope you die."

Wednesday night, I had a dream about going to the Marquee, which was odd because normally my dreams have no actual relation to anything going on. Case and point, the other night I had a dream where Melissa and I kissed, just once or twice. And then my dream rapidly flowed into zombies...again. I am so sick of cutting the heads off those fuckers, this is like the 5th dream I can remember where they made an appearence and I had to kill hordes of them. At least my dream self is good with a sword, I'd hate to have a dream about being a zombie.

Friday, August 20, 2004

The Peanut Of Death.

I wonder why a masters degree comes before a doctorate. I mean if you're a master of something doesn't that mean you pretty much know everything you possibly could about it? And who wants to be be introduced as Doctor when you could be called Master?

"Have you met Curtis, he's a Master of History"

Just sounds more better.

Just want to remind people to think about a good day to have a movie thing, that is if there's any interest in doing it again so soon. Maybe most of you have had enough with bad movies for a while, though personally I never get enough bad horror. Especially with Jesus Christ: Vampire Slayer still out there waiting to be watched.

For anybody who cares, today is Chris Delalis' birthday if you want to send him any sort of birthday wishes, birthday box of chocolates, or birthday box of live grenades.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


You know there are gods screwing with you when you it's barely raining when you leave for work, starts to pour when you're too far away to go back for a rain coat, and then promptly stops when you finally get there, as wet as it is physically possibly to be. Oh and when you forget both your raincoat and sunglasses and need them both by the end. My working theory is that Superstore, and anything related to it is a punishment from the heavens for all my many transgressions in everyday life.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

No don't drop me now, I'll sink into the underground.

I shouldn't bother.

I shouldn't care.

I shouldn't give a fuck.

So why do I?

It only holds me back.

It only stops me from doing what I should.

What I need to do.

What about me is so flawed that I can't just let go of things, things I can't ever change.

What's wrong with me?

Why do I play strong when I'm so weak?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Then You Certainly Won't Like My Steam Powered Super Spider.

Finding an appartment is as much fun as pulling your own teeth out with a pair of rusty plyers. Not only is there nothing available, but anytime we think we have something ends up screwing us over. The moral of the story is never get your hopes up for anything and you can't be dissappointed. I think that should be my new creed.

Monday, August 02, 2004

This Is My Favorite Event, Catch The Greased Up Deaf Guy

Having a sunglass tan sucks, I was told I looked like Robin. And all to go to a cold, foggy beach. Well I guess you can't win them all.

Friday while walking home I was stopped by the cops because I apparently was close to the description of a suspicious looking person walking up Henry St, somewhere close to where that guy was breaking in to places and watching girls sleep. Good thing I wasn't hammered, drunk tank two times is a bit more then I'd want.

God it was hot today, and not nearly enough girls were wearing bikini's. Working out in the hot sun when you have a sunburn may not be what the doctor ordered, not that I'd know since I never see them. But on the plus side a cute girl at work was worried about me getting sunstroke because of that. Always nice to be cared about by somebody, since other people don't. You bastards.

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