
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Sunday, December 18, 2005

We invited Reverend Jesse Jackson to open up our ceremonies with a prayer. Unfortunately he could not make it, so instead we have LaToya Jackson.

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yea God!

How very inappropriate, thank you

People are stupid. Just because I work at Sears it does not mean that I have any control over what their policies are.

I have a customer today, they wanted a tree we had and I told them we're all out and can't get any more until April. So he wants the one on the floor, which may have been promised to somebody else because I knew some of the trees were, which I told him. But apparently his needs dwarf every other person on the planet and I have to sell it to him anyway, I did not know that.

So when I eventually say it's not my decision to make he tells me that I represent Sears and that I should be able to do what he says.

1) I don't represent Sears. When they start giving me benefits, paid vacations and a wage that is more then slightly over the legal minimum I may start to consider it but until then they are merely a stop over for me.

2) Sears doesn't want people who can actually make these sorts of decisions working the floor. They want mindless atomitons who do what their told so that when a supervisor is inevitably called for these assholes then the Supervisor can fold like a house of cards.

This guy was bad enough that if it had been an option I would have paid the damn 250 dollars for the tree and set it on fire in front of him just so he couldn't have it. But he got his tree in the end, and come Monday I'll probably have to be the one to deal with him again when he picks it up.

Why the hell are people such selfish, lazy pricks so often? Being nice gets much better results. I had a guy today who took up ten minutes of my time on a very busy day and in the end didn't buy anything from me but was very pleasant about it all. He just wanted some questions answered, and I was more then glad to do it because he wasn't an asshole. I am more then willing to help people who need help if they can be civil about it.

But assholes know that managers are invertebrates who will give them whatever they want if they complain loud enough. Until this changes anybody who deals with these people are always going to have to take it. Right up the pooper.

And this will change when I can kill people with my mind, and with customers like this that shouldn't take too long.

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