
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

If Chuck Norris Is Late, Time Better Slow The Fuck Down.

Goddamnit, Zelda got delayed until November now. That's over a year since it was originally schedualed to come out. What's the point of preordering something if it's never actually going to come out? Somebody should die over this, I'm thinking it should be Cleary.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Mr.T Once Pitied God. It Rained For 40 Days and 40 Nights.

It's been about about a month now; I guess I can say something here, maybe...

Well the main thing taking up my life lately is worrying about going to Japan. A while back I applied to the JET program which is a program for teaching English in Japan. Those of you knowing my martial arts obsession and my even longer lived Japanese’s obsession may understand why I'm going for this.

Well anyway I did get an interview in Montreal for February the 16th so I'll be making a venture there to try and convince the Japanese consulate that I'm the right man to be teaching a language I have a tenuous grasp on at best. This combined with the fact that I don't interview well may lead to an ordeal where we see more sweating then an Olympic class triathlon.

My main concern is that I'm kind of banking on making it there. I do pride myself on the ability to pull things off at the last minute but I don't know if this can be one of them and if it's not I'm kind of afraid. Those who know me may have noticed I'm somewhat....lax...when it comes to planning for the future. IE having a degree in history that I have no idea how to use. So because this is the first thing I've actually planned and tried for in a long time, if it fails I'm not sure what kind of effect it might have on me. I might bounce back, but I think it's more likely that I take solace in the friend known as alcohol, or worse.

Right now, I'm shooting tequila, straight, just thinking about it. And as much as I love this cactus sludge it's not quite how I'd like to envision the rest of my life.

Then there's also the fact that if Karma is right, well all my terrible deeds will be coming back to haunt me. And considering what a terrible person I am then not only would I not be allowed to go to Japan but the Yakuza would be knocking on my door soon enough. Hopefully selling cookies, but probably not.

At least I should have a good time in Montreal though. I'm making it a vacation so that should all be good. I've always liked Montreal; despite them speaking a make believe language it seemed like a good place. If I get rejected I'll just drown myself in an orgy of booze and strippers and die before the effects really sink in. Truly it twill be grand.

Oh, I'm one away from a Black Belt now, kind of cool. May have mentioned it before but it's something I'm somewhat happy about so I'll say it again. Hopefully it will be one of many, until I have so many black belts that everywhere I go people compare me to Ultimo Dragon.

Oh and remember kids, Bas Rutten says use the ambience.

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