
Curtis: Over Two Decades Experience With Angry Belligerence

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So...this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you as well pack it in. Game over.

I live at home right now, it's not so bad really. I don't have the internet but I can live with that. Right now I'm on my uncles computer which holds the distinction of potentially being too old for a public school. I do however get to swim a lot. That's right, the water is still warm enough to swim in, I've been in every day for a week now and hopefully this will hold until November. I've been jogging lately too, all I need is to start cycling and I'll be an unofficial triathilete.

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